Baroda, Gujarat : The challenges which have been arising in todays’ times have been cementing Parul University’s...
Surat, Gujarat : It is for the very first time in the recent history of Gujarat that...
Surat, Gujarat : Round Table of India and Ladies Circle India to host the competition from 26th...
Surat, Gujarat: The IAF that was founded on October 8, 1932, celebrated its glorious 88th anniversary on...
After the release of answer key, NEET results expected soon, this time with higher cut-off
3 min read
New Delhi [India] : Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had said that the NEET result will be...
Baroda, Gujarat [India] : The prevailing challenges in scope of education, have resulted in an increasing demand...
AURO University celebrates Gandhi Jayanti by organizing Gandhian Engineering Idea Competition
1 min read
More performance from less resource for more people is the model and the essence is affordable excellence,...
Surat, Gujarat : Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, had a very strong opinion on the...
Surat : On the occasion of World Tourism Day, IDT, a fashion and interior design education centre...
Surat, Gujarat : Though the cons of CORONA virus are grave, the pandemic has proved to be...