Rinku Kumar
Rinku Kumar Sahoo is an Indian Classical, Folk Dancer and choreographer who is carrying forward the beautiful legacy of Odissi dance with his sensual and lyrical dance form with love and passion touching the heavenly ardour and the human side with his sublime gestures and movements.
It goes without saying, Indian classical dances – are celebrated across the globe for their enriching and mesmerizing virtuosity and are performed as much for entertainment as for the spread of cultures and knowledge. Born and brought up in the district of Sambalpur Orissa, Rinku Kumar Sahoo through his Odissi dance moves offers a glimpse into the history, performance, attire, comportment and musical accompaniments that give colour, form and rhythm to these cultural legacies.
This gifted dancer has earned a master’s degree and an M.Phil in Odissi dance from Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar, as well as conducting research on the Sambalpuri dance genre. Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya, Bhubaneswar as well as Padma Bibhusan Guru Sri Kelucharan Mohapatra institute is where he learnt and research in Odissi dance. He became interested in Odissi dance after being inspired by his mother, who, as a major exponent in the field of Odissi dance, instilled in Rinku the nuances of Odissi through her artistically stimulating environment at home and assisted Rinku in achieving his ambition of becoming a dancer. His mother used to dance on Geeta Govinda shloka, which motivated him to pursue a profession in pure beauty and precise dancing. When Padma Bibhushan Guru Sri Kelucharan Mohapatra passed away in 2004, one of his dance forms was shown on television, encouraging him to pursue his dream of being a professional dancer.
Despite facing several challenges Rinku was supported by his entire family. His mother has been a constant support to him in choosing dance as a profession. Male classical dancers have been seen outlandishly in society because classical dances have been misconceived for the most part as feminine styles and it has been challenging for Rinku to grapple with societal barbs and stereotypes hence it was not wholeheartedly accepted by society. Unlike other traditional dance families, Rinku’s family has been liberal that have succored him to comply with what he had embraced.
Claim to Fame – Rinkoo Kumar Sahoo
He is a national senior scholarship holder from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India in the Odissi dance field in 2016.
“Health is very important good food, diet maintains, yoga, exercise and practice dance, don’t be demoralized if you get rejected from any dancing platforms, just concentrate on how you can improve yourself and become better in the field and take the Classical and folk-dance culture forward.,” Rinkoo says to dancers and aspiring dancers who want to make it big in dancing. Talent must be recognized and accepted, and success will come through hard effort and determination. If you work hard and have a strong desire to dance, you can become an idol for others once in a lifetime.”
YouTube – https://youtube.com/channel/UCAl0L-z0m877ZpubPqlpEdw
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rinku.sahoo.96
Instagram – https://instagram.com/rinkusahoo_dance?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=