In a few months, we will hit 8 billion global population for the first time in human history. And India’s contribution to this explosion is a whopping 18 per cent. Notably, this year the United Nations’ theme on World Population Day is – Resilient future for all – Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all.
Now the profoundness of the burden of 138 crore Indian population on our country’s natural resources is anyone’s guess. The ever expanding inhabitants on Indian soil are certainly arresting our pace of growth offering lesser opportunities to the citizens and compromising the rights and choices of the citizens. On the contrary, countries with lesser populations have witnessed higher rates of economic and social growth.
With an aim to alleviate this mega problem facing the country, Moradabad based philanthropist and educator, Arvind Kumar Goel attacks the crux of the issue – Family planning policy.
On the occasion of the World Population Day that falls on July 11, he pitches for the review of the 70-year-old policy as it continues to primarily focus on limiting the number of children through sterilization and use of contraceptives.
Goel advocates a re-look at the policy with a holistic approach wherein 21st century social structure needs to be taken into account. The greatest need right now is to provide young people with comprehensive education on sexuality, promotion of delayed marriage and considerable gap between children. Goel supports the UN instructions on how family planning should be approached. The International body has appealed to all countries to make family planning information and services available and accessible to all citizens and that every individual has the right to privacy and the right to information so as to make informed decisions.
The birth of a child shouldn’t merely be an automatic biological process but a conscious decision based on the wants and needs of a couple.
Goel suggests a restructured policy which is less jingoistic and focuses more on personal choice. A philanthropist who aims to eradicate social inequality and has erected old age homes, created employment opportunities for the poor and jobless and helps run hundreds of educational institutions all over the country, Goel considers overpopulation as the root of all evil that fuels unemployment, corruption, gender discrimination, environment degradation and poverty and hence, the problem needs to be tackled socially.