New Delhi: The inauguration of the Delhi Pythian Games at Vidhan Sabha brought together many esteemed government dignitaries and senior bureaucrats this Saturday. The ceremony started at 3:30 p.m. and was inaugurated by Shri. Ram Niwas Goel, honorary speaker of the Delhi Vidhan Sabha. The ceremony was marked by a variety of colourful and breath-taking performances, as well as the nomination and execution of board members for the smooth governance of modern Pythian games in Delhi by the president of the Delhi Pythian Council, Sahil Seth IRS.
Manoj Tiwari was chosen to be the ambassador for the performing arts at the Delhi Pythian Games. He is a well-known actor, singer, and member of the Lok Sabha.
Modern Pythian Games, the first global cultural movement, begins in Delhi with the launch of the Delhi Pythian Council. The Delhi Pythian Council has established itself as the world’s first legally registered state organisation for the purpose of launching the Modern Pythian Games, the world’s first global cultural movement.
Shri Ram Niwas Goel, Hon’ble Speaker, Delhi Legislative Assembly, launched the Delhi Pythian Council in the presence of Shri Bijender Goel, Founder, Modern Pythian Games and Secretary General, International Pythian Council; H.E. Dilshod Akhatov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan; H.E. YIANNAKIS MAKRIDES, Deputy High Commissioner, Cyprus; Shri B.H. Anilkumar, IAS; and poets Anil Agravanshi and Shayar Mohan Muntazir; and Mr. Satish Pathak, a renowned flute player, entertained the guests with their amazing performances.
Mr. Panos Tsafos, First Secretary of the Embassy of Greece, represented the Greek Ambassador and delivered his speech on his behalf, extending full support and cooperation to the Modern Pythian Games. The other diplomats were Col. Mohammad Tuhtanazarv, Uzbekistan; Mr. Fotoglou SYROS; Col. Georgios Rimagmos; Ms. Vasiliki TSIANA from the Greek Embassy; and Ms. Oyun Batskukh from Mongolia. They all attended the launch of the Delhi Pythian Council and supported the Modern Pythian Games.
Mr. Dalip Singh, IAS, Former Haryana State Election Commissioner, Mr. R. K. Srivastava, IAS, Former Chief Secretary, GOA, Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Former DGP, NDRF, Mr. Narender Kumar, IAS (UT 88), Former Chandigarh State Election Commissioner, Major General B.K. Sharma, Sqn. Ldr. RTS Chhina from the United Services Institute of India, and Mr. Mohsin Sayyadi from the NDRF were also present and supported the movement. Â
List of board members for Delhi Pythian Games: Naresh Goyal (secretary general), Anita Mukim (senior vice president), Vinay Singhal (vice president), Sagar Kumar (joint secretary), Sham Lal Gupta (joint secretary), Dinesh Goel (joint secretary), Prateek Garg (joint secretary), Amit Aggarwal (treasurer), Amit Jindal (director), Arun Mittal (director), Rajesh Goel (director), Parveen Heera Wala (director), Ravi Dahiya (director), Sachin Garg (director), Subhash Jindal (director), Sumit Singhal (director), Author Sherry (director), Amit Mittal (executive member), Vinod Bansal (executive member), and Shammi Arora (executive member).
Mr. Sahil Seth, IRS, President of the Delhi Pythian Council, was thrilled with the performances and quoted, “The ceremony came out to be amazing, and it was pleasant to see all the senior delegates and government officials under one roof.” The performance was breath-taking. “Special thanks to the entire team for making it a success.”
According to Mr. Bijender Goel, Founder of the Modern Pythian Games, “it is a proud moment for all of us as India leads the world’s first cultural movement and holds the intellectual property rights for such a historical game.” The Pythian and Olympic Games emerged in Greek history and existed at the same time until all Panhellenic games were discontinued in 394 A.D. The Pythian Games included music, dance, poetry, singing, athletics, martial arts like wrestling, and chariot racing. The Olympic Games, on the other hand, had competitions in many different sports.
“It is the beginning of a new era for artisans, cultural activists, and traditional game players,” he added. Modern Pythian Games will be a gateway for them to establish themselves as celebrities in various arts categories (music, dance, poetry, painting, fashion, culinary, ecology, architecture, robotics, graphic design, traditional games, and martial arts) at an international level, promote tourism, and strengthen the economies of respective member nations. “We will start cultural education programmes and establish global awards in every art category.”
Pythian Games serve as a unified global platform to commemorate the exchange of arts, culture, games, e-sport, adventure, entertainment, martial arts, and air sports through competitions where artisans will be able to represent their flags by showcasing the art on a state, national, and international level. The Pythian Games have originally introduced in ancient Greece around 582 BC, during the era of the Pan-Hellenic Games.
The modern Pythian game introduces a new hope by combining multiple structures that promote tourism and national economies while also creating job opportunities for artisans and associates.