How does a print journalist adapt and redefine digital journalism? A journalist, an Editor and now an...
Lawyer by education, businesswoman by profession and natural skincare enthusiast by passion. Sanchi Sehgal attended the University...
With over twenty-eight years of experience in the cosmetics industry, Revolution Beauty has recently launched a new...
Awaken Your Inner Balance is the book Get Balance that will help you find, manifest, and live...
Insider’s account of Ganga Rejuvenation shared by Rajiv Ranjan Mishra and Puskal Upadhyay during a discussion on...
Dinesh Karthik & Dipika Pallikal Credits NeoLacta’s 100% Human Milk for Good Health of Twins
2 min read
For new mothers encountering lactation challenges, NeoLacta Lifesciences 100% human milk products are proving to be a...
Dr. Dame Munni Irone’s Best Seller Book “Get Balance” awakens intellectual values among people
2 min read
An Indian origin author Dr. Dame Munni Irone, a philanthropist, a global peace leader, human rights advocate,...
Mattresses have seen many changes over the last decade. Many types of mattresses have found their way...
Surat, Gujarat: Vatsal Jariwala is the emerging face in the food blogging community of Surat, Gujarat. With...
It takes ages for many people to achieve something, but there is one name Mohit Arora, who...