In a celebration of extraordinary talent and profound influence, The Update India, a leading news and awareness...
On Saturday, employee happiness coach, Susheel Agarwal conducted the “Unlocking the Return on Happiness for an Evolving...
The Life of Joy School of Transformation, a renowned life coaching school, recently concluded its third batch...
At an age when children are often busy wasting their time on games and mobile phones, 28...
Author Sachin Gupta is an administrative officer and life management guru. In the book, ‘A Beautiful Life’...
Bangalore (Karnataka) [India]: India’s leading healthcare provider, Narayana Health, has announced the appointment of globally renowned orthopedic...
The premium organic beauty brand Lotus Organics + releases a new campaign with their Brand Ambassador Dia...
Samarth, India’s largest community of senior citizens with a presence in 92 cities, has launched customised travel...
In a world where discussions around women’s pleasure are often muted, Runi, a pioneering company, has emerged...
Discover the inspiring success stories of three chosen individuals who are making a mark in their respective...